There are numerous types of growlers on the market! We currently make our growler slings to fit the two predominant* styles of glass growler bottles.
The bottle on the left has a ‘Pistol grip’ handle form. The shape of the bottle is particular to that type of handle. We make a custom tailored g-sling for it. The one on the right is the more common bottle shape, with a ‘squared off’ handle, and we have a custom made g-sling for that too!

A Growler by Any Another Name

- Recently read the mystery “Moriarty” by Anthony Horowitz and noticed the use of the word growler. In Sherlock Holmes’ Victorian era it refers to a horse-drawn hansom. Horowitz is “authorized” by the Conan Doyle estate to write these new Holmesian mysteries. This one doesn’t feature either Holmes or Watson, but it’s a good thriller, and feels true enough to the originals. For sure worth a read with a brewskie or kombuhca (!) in hand while relaxing in a hammock.
The carriage foundation has a whole page dedicated to the growler. - In Newfoundland, a growler refers to a bit of broken off iceberg. They also have a hockey team called the Newfoundland Growlers!
*predominant style of glass growler bottles > at least here on the West Coast of Canada they are!:)